Posted by: Kathy Cassidy | October 9, 2010

Primary Digital Portfolios – The Trailer

The 2010 K12 Online Conference is almost here.  Some of my students were fortunate to be selected as presenters this year.  They will be sharing their personal knowledge of digital portfolios.  Although the conference will not begin until October 18th (see the flyer), I have prepared a trailer to whet your appetite.

I’m looking forward to seeing all of the presentations for this unique conference.  See you there!

Update:  The presentation is now LIVE on the K12 Online conference page. You can view it here.


  1. Congrats to you and your students. I know you are very proud. It seems like you have an awesome group of students and a lot to be excited about. Keep up the good work. I look forward to following up on what’s going on. Keep us posted. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Mrs Cassidy,
    I think that it is great that you and your students are participating in the 2010 K12 online conferences. It is great for students to get so much technology experiences at such a young age. You are preparing them for a bright future and I hope that I’m just as successful with my students when I become a teacher. I have really enjoyed you blog and have got some interesting ideas that I want to use in my classroom.

  3. Hello! I am a student form the University of South Alabama. I absolutely love this video. I love seeing how the children are excited about presenting the knowledge of technology that they have learned. I hope that one day that my future student will have the same enthusiasm as these children have.

  4. Hey!

    I am also a student at the University of South Alabama in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class. I really liked your video, first of all, I think it was really well made and I like your choice of music. Secondly, I think it is so awesome that you have gotten such young children so excited about learning and technology. Isn’t that what education needs? Self-motivation and excitement to learn? I hope that my students one day will be as excited about school as yours are. I think you are doing a great job!

  5. Ms. Cassidy! I cannot believe the level of involvement that the kids get to partake in! I never in a million years could have dreamt up this kind of technology for kids to take part and perform in! This is not only a great opportunity for the parents to learn new things about their kids and the learning process they go through but also for the technological maturation of these kids and what they will learn and receive from this experience! I hope that my children have a teacher like you with new and fun technological opportunities! I also aspire to become a teacher, just as enthusiastic about what technology has to offer our youth, as you are!

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